How to define your Priorities in Loan Modification

What do you expect from your loan modification? If you can’t answer that question, your lender will assume you don’t know what you’re doing and try to trick you with unreasonable deals. Setting your goals is an important part of the home loan modification process. If you know your options, you know when your bank is making a fair offer or just trying to fool you.

The terms you will get depend on what makes the most financial sense to your lender. Your loan modification attorney should run you through your options and help you set realistic goals. Below are some of the ways your loan modification can be changed, and how they can work for you. The ultimate goal with the whole home loan modification process is to save your home by adjusting your mortgage to a payment that you can afford for the long term.

1. Waiving or reduction of delinquent balance. If late penalties account for most of your debt, this can be a viable option. Your lender can reduce the amount you owe in late charges, or if you’re lucky, even write it off altogether. They can also add it to your principal, so you won’t have to pay it up front.

2. Reduction of interest rate. Sub-prime lenders, with their notoriously high interest rates, are the reason why many people are going for mortgage modification. This is why interest reduction is one of the most common forms of loan modification. With a lower interest rate, you can better handle monthly payments and stay current on your mortgage.

3. Extension of term. Your lender can also add years to your loan term, allowing you to spread out the payments. This may be the best arrangement if your income has changed and the payments have become unmanageable. Most lenders will agree to this change because they technically don’t lose any money-they’ll simply get it in smaller installments.

4. Shift to fixed-rate plan. Most people who fall behind are in adjustable-rate mortgages. This means the interest rates are determined by market indicators and can change from month to month. A fixed-rate mortgage, on the other hand, uses the same rate for the term of the loan and is better for the long run. Because it’s more secure, you’re less likely to be affected by economic slowdown.

5. Reduction of principal. In some cases, it may be cheaper for your lender to simply reduce the amount you owe. This isn’t very common, since they still lose money in the process. It’s usually granted when the costs of undergoing foreclosure or a short sale are greater than the amount they can write off.

Our Loan Modification Attorney is composed of a team of attorneys, mortgage and real estate professionals, and hardship analysts .We have all the experience and knowledge that is needed to get the job done For more information Just Call 800-738-1170 or Visit Home Loan Modification