Little Known Commercial Loan Puts Cash In Your Hand For Any Reason Fast And Easy
Owning a commercial building such as an apartment complex, office building, retail center, business owner-occupied building and the like is a great investment that appreciates over time and can provide a constant source of monthly cash flow.
If you’ve got equity in your commercial building, it’s a great source of cash at your fingertips, if you can get it out. It’s not as easy as it sounds if you don’t work with the right commercial loan or commercial mortgage broker knowledgeable about your loan options.
Not all commercial loans and lenders are alike. Some are very restrictive when it comes to how you plan to use the cash you receive from the refinance loan.
The good new is, there is a little known commercial loan that lets you obtain unlimited cash out for any reason. There are no restrictions on how you use the money. Need to make property improvements? No problem. Need to buy some new equipment for your business? No problem. Need some down payment money for another commercial property investment? No problem.
In addition to no restrictions for unlimited cash out, all types of commercial properties are eligible. These include multifamily or apartment buildings, mixed-use property, office, retail, self storage, warehouse and industrial buildings, mobile home parks, bed and breakfasts and other special use properties.
High loan-to-value ratios are acceptable.
Another great benefit this little known commercial mortgage offers is high loan-to-value ratios. For example, you can obtain a cash out refinance up to 90% on commercial real estate such as multifamily or apartment buildings, mixed-use property, a bed and breakfast, light industrial buildings, a mobile home park, office and retail buildings, self storage and warehouse buildings.
The loan to value adjusts to 80% if you own automotive related real estate, hotels with national franchise affiliation, funeral homes, an industrial building or rooming house.
Special use properties can still get cash out up to 75% loan to value. These include day care and health care centers, restaurants, RV parks and independent hotel and motel properties.
If you need to get your hands on the extra cash fast, then you’ll love the fact that these cash out commercial loans fund in just 30-45 days. The application and underwriting process is hassle-free and you’ll know in only 48-72 hours of application whether or not you qualify for the loan.
Stop the headaches. Stop the hassles. Start working with the right commercial loans and lenders and start getting the cash out you want for any reason using your commercial property equity.