Home Loans In Regards To Wet And Dry Funding

These terminologies have nothing to do at all with alcoholic drinks but everything to do with the real estate business. It pertains to the time in which a new buyer can take over a new property after the loan is regarded as closed.

“Wet payment laws” demand that lending banks pay out funds during a particular period of time as soon as the closing date of the loan, which may vary according to the specific state where the mortgage was taken out. Disbursement times may differ depending on the state where the mortgage took place and can range from the date of closing to within two days afterwards. Intentionally made-up to shield the consumer versus bank fraud, these laws prevent lending banks to postpone funds dispersal as soon as the required papers have been signed.

The terms “dry funding” and “wet funding” are slang and refer to the state where the funding was started. “Dry” states refer to those states where the paperwork required to officially close a loan does not need to be concluded on the day of closing. All the necessary documents required to close the loan should be ready and approved at the time of closure when dealing with wet funding regulations.

Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington are considered dry funding states and all of the rest are as wet as they come. A dry closing happens for the benefit and convenience of both the buyer and the seller and is actually not a closing at all. It happens when the parties convene to sign documents, but no funds are distributed at this time.

Dry funding assures the legality of the sale and deters counterfeit activities. Money is dispensed very quickly and the transaction is quite rapid, escalating the risk related with a wet loan. With the sale happening before the paperwork is concluded the convenience and speed must be thought of against the clear possibility of real estate fraud. The bank receives the loan documentation for evaluation as soon as the funds are transferred in the case of a wet loan, which in a way is like putting the cart before the horse.

Do your research and be aware of the disparities between wet funding and dry funding. When it comes to home loans, always enter at your own risk and remember that a knowledgeable consumer is the best protection against fraud.