The Bank Loans In India You Didnt Know About

If you are not in a position to pay off a large sum of funds, a bank loan will aid you in your time of need. Depending on your situation and requirement, you can apply for the appropriate loan. With the different loans in India, it is best to know what is available as per your preference and need. In this way, you can make use of the full potential of the financial offering without any issues later.

Loans with Pledged Collaterals

In this form of financial credit, the capital is only offered if the borrower pledges an asset that is of equal value. In the occasion, the borrower does not pay back the borrowed amount along with the interest; the assets pledged will be forfeited. Through this process, the risk involved in the repayment is considerably lower. For those who require a large amount of funds, this is the best bank loan available. The loans in India also offer lower rates, higher borrowing limits and longer repayment terms as compared to unsecured loans. The loans that come under this category include gold loans and loans against property or security

Commercial Loans

New business and small ventures are faced with various reasons that include expensive upfront costs and other regulation related hurdles. These upcoming and small businesses do not have the means for a direct access to the debt and equity market and therefore do not have a large access to the finance their ventures. The only way they can fulfil their financial needs is through financial aid. In this form of loan, the financial advance you will receive is only used for business or commercial consumption. You will require a large amount of funds to start a business or even purchase a land for your business. You will also need a large amount of funds for any construction work needed. These bank loans are specifically used for these purposes. Under this category, you can get the business loan, land loan, construction loans and even the SME loans.

Other Loans

There are other loans in India which do not come under either of the above categories. They still provide financial aid, if you satisfy the criteria required. For example, the rural loans are offered to those in the rural area, especially for those in the agriculture industry. This advance credit is tailored to suit the needs of these individuals perfectly, in terms of flexible interest rates and repayment period. Another financial advance that is a popular option for many employees is the loan against salary. Through this option, individuals can withdraw funds which are up to at least three times their salary and repay the amount in the successive months through EMIs. This EMI system is also used for loans against any consumer durable goods.